



DEARSAN, is a modern shipyard, which operates in İstanbul, Turkey. DEARSAN Shipyard has the ability to build 9 ships of various types at the same time with its 126 m long skid, 15.341 m2 closed ship building site, 15.870 m2 open area and 31.211m2 total area.

DEARSAN specializes in the design and construction of private military ships, with the integration of weapon systems, as well as in the construction of complex commercial ships such as tugboats, fuel/chemical tankers, fast passenger ferries. DEARSAN shipyard has proved its worldwide design, engineering, fabrication and installation capability with its facilities and experienced workforce.

DEARSAN Shipyard has NATO Secret Facility Security Certificate, NATIONAL Secret Facility Security Certificate, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certificate, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Certificate, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certificate and SASAD Defense Industry Manufacturers Association Certificate.

Since DEARSAN Shipyard was established in 1980, it has undertaken the construction, fabrication, repair and modification of numerous ships. In addition, the construction of 16 "Tuzla" Class Patrol Boats needed by the Turkish Navy is being carried out by our shipyard in accordance with the delivery schedule determined. The design of the 57-meter "Tuzla" Class Patrol Boats was developed by the DEARSAN shipyard. In addition to being the first warship built by the Turkish Shipbuilding Industry, design and manufacturing of '' Tuzla '' Class Patrol Boat was met by the Turkish Defense Industry.

In addition to the '' Tuzla '' Class Patrol Boats and derivatives, DEARSAN can design and build all of the following military ship types.

  • Corvette Class Ships,
  • Multipurpose Search and Rescue Ships,
  • 12m, 15m and 17m Fast Intervention Boats,
  • 27m, 33m, 42m Attack Boats,
  • Armed Fast Patrol Boats,
  • Hydrographic and Oceanographic Research Ship,
  • Offshore Support Ship,
  • Offshore Patrol Ship,
  • Mine Hunting and Minesweeper, Landing Craft.



As DEARSAN, our Environmental Policy that we use in our commercial and military ship design, construction and repair activities with the slogan of “Environment Friendly Production”,

  • To comply with the relevant Environmental Laws and Regulations,
  • To organize all our activities in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and to comply with these requirements,
  • In order to minimize the negative effects on the environment, with the awareness of “Zero Waste”, to strive to make effort, to ensure reuse and recycling,
  • To spread our principle of protecting the environment to everyone,
  • Establish procedures and instructions to protect the environment in emergencies,
  • To improve awareness raising by giving environmental training to our employees, subcontractors and sub-industrialists,
  • To reduce raw material and energy use by making technological improvements in production and efficiency issues.

DEARSAN undertakes to identify and define the important environmental factors in its activities and to continuously improve the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System that has been established to create goals, targets and programs related to these factors.

Our goals and objectives against environmental factors;

  • Minimizing air, water and soil pollution,
  • To carry out activities to reduce carbon emission and to measure our carbon footprint regularly for this purpose, to ensure efficient use of energy, natural resources and materials,
  • To keep the environmental effects of our activities and subcontractors arising from the activities carried out in our organization under control and to minimize their effects.
  • To help protect the environment and our seas by being a member of environmental and marine protection associations.
  • To spread our principle of protecting the environment to everyone,
  • Establish procedures and instructions to protect the environment in emergencies,
  • To improve awareness raising by giving environmental training to our employees, subcontractors and sub-industrialists,
  • To reduce raw material and energy use by making technological improvements in production and efficiency issues.



Covered Area M2


Total Area M2


Sea Shore M


Ship Building Capacity (DWT / Year)


Steel Processing Capacity (Ton / Year)


Maximum Length of Ship Maintained and Repaired M

125 m / 12.000 t

Maximum Ship Building Capacity (Size and Tonnage)

105 m x 20 m

Skid Length

100 m


62 m x 8 m

Material Pier

Logo Dearsan


DEARSAN GEMİ İNŞAAT SANAYİ A.Ş. accepts people as the most valuable asset in all its activities, creating a healthy and safe working environment is a necessity of occupational health and safety procedures.

For this purpose, within the framework of rules and other conditions determined by the legal legislation in order to prevent work accidents and health issues and make employees conscious: We are committed to gain our employees appropriate behaviors by training them on Occupational Health and Safety issues. Ensuring that all employees are informed and engaged.

Considering Occupational Health and Safety as a top priority in all our activities,
To assure the participation of our employees’ / employee representatives in consultation and all appropriate levels in the development,
planning, implementation, performance evaluation and improvement activities of the OHS Management System,
Establishing a structure that can jointly respond to disasters and emergency cases by collaborating with organizations in our region,
Provide and develop a safer and healthier working environment for our employees who are considered as the most valuable asset of our workplace,
Minimize the Occupational Health and Safety risks in our company by adapting new technologies and efficient use of resources in order to upgrade the OHS Management System by minimizing OHS risks.

We are committed


DEARSAN is a leading shipyard that has an important role in the advancement of the shipyard sector and produces worldwide. It has adopted the principle of providing production quality at a world-class quality level and maintaining this quality level. In DEARSAN shipyard, new construction, maintenance and repair activities are carried out by trained and experienced personnel as prescribed by ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System.

Our Quality Policy
Within the framework of the quality management system, it is to realize continuous improvement in its activities by using resources efficiently, and to design, build and repair modern commercial and military ships at home and abroad by prioritizing customer satisfaction.
“DEARSAN participates in the design and construction activities of national warship projects in order to contribute to the development of the domestic defense industry.”


Yürüttüğümüz tüm faaliyetlerde Bilgi Güvenliğinin üç temel öğesi olan Bütünlük, Gizlilik ve Erişebilirlik dengesini sağlamayı ve tüm bilgi varlıklarında bu unsurları korumayı,

Paydaşlarımızın bilgilerinin korunması için gerekli önlemleri almayı ve teknolojik altyapıyı sağlamayı,

Bilgi güvenliği farkındalığını Dearsan bünyesinde yükselterek tüm çalışanlarımızın katılımı ile ISO 27001 Bilgi Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemini sürekli geliştirmeyi,

Görevler ayrılığı ilkesi gereği ve bilmesi gereken prensibi doğrultusunda erişim yetkilendirme faaliyetlerini yürütmeyi,

İş sürekliliği kapsamında kabul edilebilir kesinti sürelerini en aza indirerek müşterilerimize kesintisiz hizmet vermeyi,

Bilgi Güvenliği ile ilgili yasalara tam olarak uymayı,

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DEARSAN olarak ticari ve askeri gemi dizayn, inşa, onarım, satış faaliyetlerimizde enerjiyi etkin kullanarak Enerji Yönetim Sistemini ve Enerji Performansını sürekli iyileştirmeyi taahhüt etmektedir. Bu taahhüdü gerçekleştirmek için enerji kullanımı, tüketim yapısı ve ölçeğine uygun şekilde aşağıdaki ilkeleri politika olarak benimsemiştir;

Yürüttüğümüz İklim değişikliği ile mücadele kapsamında ulusal ve uluslararası direktifleri gözeterek, sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın temel taşlarından biri olan düşük karbon ekonomisine katma değer sağlamak için çevreyi korumak, enerji tüketimini azaltmak ve enerji verimliliğini artırmak için çalışmalar yürütecektir.

Kuruluş amaç ve bağlamına uygun ve stratejik istikametini destekleyen, iç ve dış müşterilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan uygulamalar yapacaktır.

Enerji kullanımına, verimliliğine ve tüketimine ilişkin tüm uygulanabilir yasal mevzuat ve diğer şartları takip edilerek, gerekli aksiyonlar hızlı bir şekilde alınacaktır.

Belirlenen amaç ve hedefler periyodik olarak gözden geçirilecek ve bunlara ulaşmak için gerekli kaynaklar oluşturulacaktır.

Enerji tüketimine, kullanımına ve verimliliğine ilişkin tesis içi ekipman, sistem ve proses tasarımlarının enerji performansını artıracak şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi desteklenecektir.

Tesisimizde üretilen deniz araçlarına ilişkin tasarım faaliyetlerimizde enerji performansının da dikkate alınması.

Çalışanlarımızda verimlilik bilincinin oluşturulması amacıyla gerekli eğitim ve bilgilendirmeler yapılarak, kayıp ve kaçaklar azaltılacak, enerji verimliliği sağlanacaktır.

Enerji performansını etkileyebilecek enerji verimli ürün ve hizmetlerin satın alınması için gerekli destek verilecektir.

Üst yönetimce düzenli olarak gözden geçirilen, değerlendirilen ve sürekli iyileştirilen Enerji Performansı, Enerji Yönetim Sistemini sürdürecek ve kurum kültürü haline getirecektir.

Enerji Yönetim sistemimizin; amaç ve hedeflerini gerçekleştirebilmesi için gerekli kaynakları sağlamayı, performanslarını raporlamayı ve değerlendirmeyi,

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